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I am a mom of four amazing kids that keep me very busy. However, they are my muse. They give me so many things to add to my writing. I love to read, especially classic literature. I absolutely love movies. I especially love classic 1930's "mob" movies and the action genre period. I think, those two things alone, give me a different perspective and writing style. I love to think outside of the box, and I hope that shows in my books. 


Writing means so much to me. It allows me a creative outlet with an endless amount of possibilities. I think one of my main goals as a writer is to not stick with just one story type but to write as many things in as many genres as I can. I love a good challenge. I love jumping into the story headfirst and all the research that comes with it. 


I hope that you fall in love with the characters and the worlds I have created just as much as I have. Happy Reading. 

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